Imagine if you could reclaim some of the energy you lose throughout the day, without needing to rest. Did you know that electric vehicles (EVs) are able to do this through regenerative braking? An efficient way to reuse some of the energy lost as heat when a vehicle brakes, regenerative braking supports higher efficiency and the ability to travel further on a single charge.

When the driver steps on the brake pedal of a vehicle, hydraulic fluid pushes the brake pads against brake discs on each wheel. This friction slows down the vehicle, but the process also creates heat and wears away the material on the pads and discs over time.

Regenerative braking uses the excess kinetic energy to recharge an EV’s battery. It is able to do this because the electric motor in an EV can run in two directions: one, using the electrical energy, to drive the wheels and move the car, and the other, using the excess kinetic energy, to recharge the battery.

When the driver lifts their foot off the accelerator pedal and steps on the brake, the motor starts to resist the vehicle’s motion, “swapping direction”, and begins putting energy back into the battery. As a result, regenerative braking uses the EV’s motor as a generator to convert lost kinetic energy into stored energy in the battery.


The Competition and Market Authority has warned the UK government that, ahead of the petrol ban in 2030, more electric charging points must be established to make EV charging easier for road users. As it stands, there are only 25,000 public charging points in the UK. This needs to increase by tenfold to ensure EV success from 2030 onwards.

While not fundamentally an element of EV charging infrastructure, regenerative braking provides a way of making EVs more efficient by increasing the number of miles completed without charging the battery. Furthermore, the process can help make the charging less reliant on electricity from the National Grid. By reducing the frequency of charging and amount of electricity needed to recharge batteries, regenerative braking can make the entire charging process more energy efficient.


However, regenerative braking cannot act alone. To work effectively, other technologies are needed to make the process safe and effective. If the car battery is already full or there is a failure, regenerative braking cannot happen as the excess energy has nowhere to go and must be dispelled safely. If not dissipated, it won’t be possible to slow down the vehicle. To prevent this from happening, resistors are used to collect excess energy and dissipate it safely.

Cressall’s EV2 resistor converts excess electricity into heat that can be dissipated or used in other parts of the vehicle, such as to heat the cabin, the batteries or even the fuel cell. The EV2 is a lightweight, compact resistor which manages to transfer this heat into the cooling water or glycol mix, which is already used in the cooling or heating system for different vehicle components. Cooling is achieved by pumping cold coolant liquid, which comes into one end of the unit and absorbs the heat through thermal conductivity and convection. It can then be pumped through a radiator located away from unit and cooled again to reach the starting temperature.

While it may not be possible for humans to regain lost energy without taking time out to recharge, regenerative braking enables EVs to use excess energy to work more efficiently. With the help of resistors, EV users can benefit from a longer battery life, helping to drive EV efficiency forward and ensuring safe driving in any conditions.




In July 2021, the UK government unveiled its plan to decarbonise the entire domestic transport system to align with the net zero by 2050 target. All forms of domestic transport will be decarbonised on land, air and sea.

The electrification of the automotive market is a necessary step to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ward off climate change’s consequences. Every automaker is in support of the rollout, with more affordable models being released by the day to encourage consumers to make the electric shift. At the same time, governments are enforcing change through legislation that bans the sale of new fossil fuelled vehicles from as early as 2025.

The Decarbonising transport: a better greener Britain report outlines how the government intends to achieve transport decarbonisation. While some of the report repeats previous pledges, it announces several new targets.


Since announcing its nation-wide net zero emissions by 2050 target back in 2019, it’s been common knowledge that the government wants all transport to decarbonise in the next few decades. One key initiative has been ending the sale of new fossil-fuelled cars and vans, which has been brought forward to 2030 — ten years ahead of initial plans.

In addition to bringing forward the ban on petrol and diesel cars and vans, the latest report also announces a ban on petrol and diesel heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in 2040. This is an important step in decarbonising road transport since HGVs are some of the biggest carbon dioxide emitters, accounting for 17 per cent of road transport’s total emissions.

Although similar targets have been set for other transportation sectors, automotive is arguably in need of the greatest overhaul. The latest figures show that in 2019, the majority of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were from road transport. Therefore, we must take decarbonising this subsector as a top priority.

Despite significant progress, more needs to be done to create an electrified transport fleet. The electric vehicle (EV) market is growing at an exponential rate. According to data collected by the Department for Transport, Q1 of 2021 saw 73 per cent more battery electric vehicle (BEV) registrations than Q1 of 2020. With uptake ever increasing, automakers must address barriers to widespread adoption.


An extensive charging infrastructure across the UK will be needed to enable road transport’s decarbonisation, to meet consumer demand and to make EVs a viable option in all parts of the country. 

According to Zap Map, as of 21 July 2021, just under a third of all charging points were in Greater London, with more sparsely populated areas such as Northern Ireland accounting for just 1.3 per cent of all charging points. It is vital to tackle this disparity and ensure access to charging points is the same regardless of location to encourage EV uptake in rural communities.


To support these goals, ensure compliance with fossil fuel bans and overcome these challenges, manufacturers must design vehicles and their components to facilitate decarbonised transport uptake.

EV2 modular resistor for electric vehicles

Cressall’s EV2 resistor is designed with the challenges of manufacturing EVs in mind. The EV2 is a dynamic braking resistor (DBR), which is an essential component of an EV. A DBR safeguards an EV’s power system by removing excess energy generated while braking. If the battery isn’t fully charged, this energy would be used to recharge the battery. However, when the battery is full or there is a failure, it’s vital to remove this excess energy from the system to prevent damage. A DBR dissipates it as heat, which can be used to warm the vehicle’s cabin or preheat the batteries too in order to achieve maximum efficiency.

The EV2’s flexible design makes it suited to every EV application. Its modular design means that up to five units can be combined in a single assembly to achieve a power rating between one kilowatt (kW) and 125 kW. Its extensive design range works up to 1500 Volts terminal to terminal and a resistance of up to 20 ohms (Ω) per single module. This flexibility means the resistor can be adapted to suit any automotive application — from small cars to large HGVs.

The government’s plan to decarbonise all domestic transport by 2050 will slash the sector’s contribution to total carbon emissions. With manufacturers’ support, this goal is achievable, accelerating the nation’s progress to net zero, reducing pollution and alleviating the damaging effects of climate change.



Britain passed a significant landmark in June 2020, as the nation went for two months without burning coal to generate power. A decade ago, around 40 per cent of the UK’s electricity came from coal and, while the recent plummet in demand accounts for some of the success, it isn’t the full story. Simone Bruckner managing director of Cressall, explains why the country no longer depends on burning coal that has, for so long, been the backbone of Britain’s power.

Britain’s new coal-free period has smashed the previous record from June 2019, which lasted for 18 days, six hours and ten minutes. While that hiatus was caused by the unprecedented shutdown of many of the National Grid’s coal-fired power plants, the disruptions in 2020 have been even more remarkable. They are, however, by no means the sole contributor to coal’s decline.


Two examples illustrate the recent changes in Britain’s power network. Ten years ago, wind and solar energy made up a meagre three per cent of the country’s power mix. Compare this to the first six months of 2020, where renewables were responsible for a significant 37 per cent of electricity supplied to the network — this outstripped fossil fuels by two per cent.

Secondly, a company that has historically been one of the biggest players in coal power appears to be moving on from its history. Drax, the UK’s largest power plant, was once the biggest consumer of coal in the UK. Now, the plant is making the switch to compressed wood pellets with the goal of phasing-out coal entirely by March 2021.

While some environmental activists still question the efficiency of burning wood, which still produces carbon emissions in its own right, this change would leave the UK with just three coal-powered plants.


There is one major reason why Britain’s 2020 shift away from coal power will have more longevity than a passing trend. That’s because renewable technology is far more sophisticated than it was ten years ago.

Renewable energy has undergone a massive scale-up in recent years. This is largely as a result of the Paris Climate Agreement, but also because new technologies have made it more possible for renewables to outshine fossil fuels.

In solar panel developments, for instance, research into capturing and using waste heat emitted by solar panels could help to reduce solar costs even more, while doubling the efficiency of solar cells. Photovoltaic tracking panels have also become increasingly popular, which use tracking systems to tilt and shift the angle of the panel as the day goes by to best match the sun’s position.

Wind turbines are much larger nowadays. One example is the 9.6 mega Watt (MW) turbine from Danish producer, MHI Vestas, that alone is able to power more than 8,000 homes. Power storage is increasingly possible, and many companies have partnered with battery producers to store extra power so it can be used on less windy days.


As renewable resources grow in sophistication, it is vital that other systems also keep pace in order to effectively manage the power they create. 

For example, wind turbines are typically connected to the distribution network through step-up transformers. When energised by high inrush currents, these transformers can experience overvoltage on the distribution network. This can potentially damage equipment.

Overvoltage issues can be remedied by using technologies like pre-insertion resistors (PIRs). PIRs, such as those offered by Cressall, are a three-phase resistor with a high thermal mass that allows them to absorb energy from high inrushes, while still being compact enough to fit efficiently in a transformer substation. 

Resistor technologies can also help manage power in solar panels. One example is electric motors that help solar panels move to “track” the position of the sun. These motors can be fitted with braking resistors to ensure that the panels stop at the optimum angle when tracking the sun for maximum efficiency.

Braking resistors can also be used on wind turbines, particularly on fixed-speed winder generators where sudden changes in wind speed can have a detrimental impact on the stability of the system. By inserting a dynamic braking resistor in series with the generator circuit, designers can help the system to dissipate the excess power created by stronger winds, before it has chance to damage the entire system.

The UK’s current coal-free reign may not last forever — at least not yet — but the pause from burning fossil fuels certainly marks a brighter future. As renewable resources form an increasing part of our energy mix, it will be ever more essential to ensure that the technologies which power them, and those that manage the power, support the nation’s net zero goal.

For more information on Cressall’s resistor technologies for renewables, click here




The UK Government estimates that tidal energy could meet around 20 per cent of the country’s electricity demands. Considering the UK is an island and entirely surrounded by water, this comes as no surprise. Despite this fortunate position, uptake of tidal power has been slow. How should we encourage the development of this promising resource?

Tidal power functions in a similar way to wind power. Tidal turbines are placed underwater where the change in tide from high to low and low to high turns the blades to produce electricity. Tidal power is more reliable than solar or wind because we can easily predict the movement of the tides, which is determined by the Moon.

However, tidal power comes with extremely high upfront costs. To make the resource more feasible, its technology needs to deliver a high performance, allowing this cost to be recovered more quickly and making tidal power more appealing.


Biofouling occurs when plants and animals attach themselves to underwater constructions as often seen on the hulls of ships. However, biofouling also alters the hydrodynamics of submerged tidal turbines, presenting a productivity problem.

The biofouling organisms attach themselves to the surface of turbine blades making them rougher, which increases losses due to friction and therefore reduces the efficiency of the turbine. This, in turn, will lower tidal power’s performance and make it less cost-efficient.

Antifouling methods, such as a non-toxic coating with a low friction, can prevent organisms from attaching to surfaces whilst avoiding damage to surrounding marine life. These coatings are currently used in the shipping industry, but we must explore their applications in tidal power to reduce maintenance costs and improve efficiency.


Protecting submerged turbines from their marine co-habitants isn’t the only step tidal power plants should take. Sudden changes in water flow can be equally challenging for tidal turbines. Although the time between high and low tide is consistent, the distance between them, known as tidal range, is not. The tides are determined by the Moon and the Sun, and in some circumstances, extreme tidal forces such as spring tides can occur.

Tidal turbines need to be able to cope with these forces, as well as any unexpected and extreme weather conditions. By placing a dynamic braking resistor (DBR) in the generation and control circuit, can protect against any excess power generated by strong currents can be safely dissipated. The turbine system will therefore be less prone to damage, increasing its performance capacity and decreasing the chance of regular repairs.

The use of Cressall’s EV2 advanced, water-cooled resistor, which is suitable for low and medium voltage applications. The range is modular, so multiple resistors can be combined to handle power outputs up to one Megawatt. The EV2 also boasts an IP56 ingress protection rating, making it able to withstand harsh marine environments and suitable for the tidal turbine application.


Location also plays a major role in tidal electricity generation, with generator requirements including the need for a flow speed greater than two metres per second. Locations that can offer this are limited, which is one of the reasons for tidal power’s slow uptake. In the UK, only the north coast consistently meets this requirement.

Turbine blades with a high tip-speed ratio are slimmer and produce less drag. With less drag, the turbines can achieve a larger number of rotations at a lower speed. Through the development of blades that can operate at lower flow speeds, the number of sites at which tidal power can operate can increase, making it a more viable option.

Expensive installation costs cannot be avoided when increasing tidal power. However, by investing in technological developments that ensure less maintenance, higher efficiency and increased site suitability, tidal power can realise its potential and increase the prevalence of renewables globally.

For more information on Cressall’s tidal resistor technologies click here
